Primary School Kajetana Koviča Radenci started carrying out the Erasmus + Project KA 122 with the title My, your and European Heartbeat on 1st October 2023.
With this eighteen-month project we want to gain new knowledge and strategies, methods and efficient approaches that will improve our daily work with our students but also encourage teachers to see their development potential. We want to take part in international staff mobilities in order to follow these goals:
- Improve staffs’ ICT competences to use it efficiently for planning, managing and carrying out educational activities for students.
- Learning about successful inclusion systems of children with migrant background, students with special needs and implementation of good practice into our learning process.
- Inclusion and communication.
Throughout the project teachers and staff will strive to raise our professional development. The competences and experience gained in the project will, undoubtedly, be used in our daily work activities with our students.
The project is fully funded by Erasmus +, financed by the European Commission.
OŠ Kajetana Koviča Radenci je z uspešno prijavo na razpis Evropske komisije programa Erasmus+ s 1. 10. 2023 pričela z izvajanjem Erasmus+ projekta z naslovom Tri srca: moj, tvoj in evropski utrip. Na šoli želimo s tem osemnajst mesecev trajajočim projektom pridobiti nova znanja in spoznati učinkovite pristope in metodologije, ki bodo dodatno obogatile naše delo. V okviru Erasmus+ projekta na šoli organiziramo mednarodne mobilnosti osebja, kjer bomo sledili naslednjim ciljem:
- Izboljšati e-kompetence pri zaposlenih, da bodo sposobni uporabljati IKT za načrtovanje, upravljanje in izvajanje izobraževalnih dejavnosti za učence.
- Spoznati sisteme uspešnega vključevanja otrok priseljencev in otrok s posebnimi potrebami v šolah ter prenos dobrih praks v naš učni proces.
- Vključevanje in komunikacija.
V sklopu projekta bomo iskali priložnosti za dvig našega profesionalnega razvoja. Pridobljene kompetence in izkušnje bomo s pridom uporabljali pri svojem nadaljnjem delu.
Projekt poteka v okviru programa Erasmus +, ki ga sofinancira Evropska unija.